日期 Date: 13, 20, 27 Sept (Sunday)
時間 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm
形式 Format: Zoom online platform
語言 Language: English (supplemented by Cantonese)
對象 Target: 任何對攝影有興趣的人士 Any interested teens
名額 Quota: 30/堂lesson
內容 Content:
1. 用相片說故事 Photo storytelling techniques
2. 手機攝影技巧 Photographic techniques using smartphones
3. 手機執相技巧 Retouch techniques using smartphones
*先到先得,費用全免 First come first serve, Free of charge*
導師作品 Tutor’s portforlio: https://www.storiesthruourlenses.org
立即報名 ENROLL NOW: https://forms.gle/9oWSMgogPyXGHvGg6
如有查詢,請致電2982-2173/ whatsapp 6202-9609。For inquries, please contact 2982-2173/ whatsapp to 6202-9609