Press Release

疫情下的兒童喪失學習機會 安徒生會以繪本助過百兒童學習語文 家長義工當老師 生動活潑學習方式 吸引不同界別的義工參與 (Chinese Only)

Lily Poon demonstrated storytelling and encouraged elders to be storytellers (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

Story Intervention Therapy can avoid bullying in school (Chinese Only)

“Read to Change” Project: Story Intervention Therapy Research Result Release會 (Chinese Only)

Free food pack for unemployed and families in need (Chinese Only)

Lohas Clan in Lok Fu (Chinese Only)

【新聞稿】安徒生會「悅讀新視野」引入全球首創《故事介入治療法》 無標籤正面有效防兒童欺凌攻擊行為指數減逾四成 (Chinese Only)

疫情下的兒童喪失學習機會 安徒生會以繪本助過百兒童學習語文 家長義工當老師 生動活潑學習方式 吸引不同界別的義工參與 (Chinese Only)

Lily Poon demonstrated storytelling and encouraged elders to be storytellers (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

Story Intervention Therapy can avoid bullying in school (Chinese Only)

“Read to Change” Project: Story Intervention Therapy Research Result Release會 (Chinese Only)

Free food pack for unemployed and families in need (Chinese Only)

Lohas Clan in Lok Fu (Chinese Only)

【新聞稿】安徒生會「悅讀新視野」引入全球首創《故事介入治療法》 無標籤正面有效防兒童欺凌攻擊行為指數減逾四成 (Chinese Only)

疫情下的兒童喪失學習機會 安徒生會以繪本助過百兒童學習語文 家長義工當老師 生動活潑學習方式 吸引不同界別的義工參與 (Chinese Only)

Lily Poon demonstrated storytelling and encouraged elders to be storytellers (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

Story Intervention Therapy can avoid bullying in school (Chinese Only)

“Read to Change” Project: Story Intervention Therapy Research Result Release會 (Chinese Only)

Free food pack for unemployed and families in need (Chinese Only)