Lamma Island Centre

Lamma Island Centre was established in 2001. It is the only charitable organization serving the community on the island. Services target includes children, families, the elderly and various races and we receive support from different people and enterprises.
Target: Residents in Lamma Island

A Blessing Journey in Lamma


The project is to establish a collaboration model of "Society, Welfare and Business" to jointly build a cross-sector platform to respond to the needs of residents on the Island. We aim to transform Islanders of different backgrounds into "Social Spots Volunteers" and "Physical and Spiritual Volunteers" through trainings. Assisting in the establishment of social spots, so that the Islanders can get relief from the stressful life, promote physical, mental, social and spiritual health, as well as to establish a network of mutual help among neighbours. The project also cooperates with the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to use the concept of “Time Bank” to establish a need-matching platform to encourage Islanders of different ages and ethnicities to contribute their talents and help establishing a relationship of mutual trust and mutual benefit among Islanders.

Need-matching Platform
Cooperating with HKU "HINCare" and utilize the "Hands in Hands" mobile app to implement "Time Banking" concept to encourage Islanders of different ages and backgrounds to help each other in their daily lives. In order to establish a relationship of mutual assistance and mutual benefit, it is planned that through in-depth trainings, the core volunteers will be able to manage and sustain the operation of the Time Bank.
Residents’ Social Spots
Taking the interest of the Islanders as the intervention point. With the assistance of the volunteers, through regular exchange gatherings, skills sharing and networking activities, such as happy chair dances and storytelling events, to establish gatherings and create a close bonding on the Island.
Physical and Spiritual Activities
Recruiting women and retirees on the Island to participate in training and become volunteers. Assisting in designing and organizing diversified activities with themes of physical, mental, social and spiritual health, to gather Islanders to participate and build mutual trust relationship, while also take care of the mental health of the Islanders.
Cross-sector Collaboration Platform
Connecting with partners in "Society, Welfare, and Business", to leverage the expertise of different stakeholders. It aims to establish a cross-sector collaboration platform and referral mechanism, as well as introduce resources in town to respond to the needs of Islanders.

Centre Moment


Member Registration


Latest Activities Brochure

Route to Lamma Island Centre

Centre Updates

香港經濟日報︰融義旅情發揚義工精神  為南丫島建立互助社區

香港經濟日報︰融義旅情發揚義工精神 為南丫島建立互助社區

由CIIF社區投資共享基金資助,為期3年的「從SUN出發融義旅情」,旨在於南丫島發展社區互助網絡、建立聚腳點,並與社福商跨界別合作,舉辦身心靈及多樣活動,讓島民互相認識和連繫鄰里關係,服務遍布島上17條村落,首期計劃經已圓滿完成。 不少人也許覺得南丫島「甚麼都無」,無超級市場、無安老院、無市政大樓等市區常見的基建設施,島上卻擁有得天獨厚的豐富自然生態,綠樹成蔭、海天一色;鄰里情誼濃厚,街頭巷里間都能看到街坊三五成群地在談笑風生;更是華洋匯萃、臥虎藏龍之地。正因如此,計劃串連及發展南丫島原有的優勢,並加以發掘潛在資源,營建互信互惠文化及人情味社區。
大公文匯︰我的家在香港|南丫島印籍義工熱心為長者理髮 回饋無界鄰里情

大公文匯︰我的家在香港|南丫島印籍義工熱心為長者理髮 回饋無界鄰里情

黃巴士︰安徒生會推薦十本環保主題繪本 親子齊齊愛閱讀愛地球

黃巴士︰安徒生會推薦十本環保主題繪本 親子齊齊愛閱讀愛地球

香港經濟日報︰長幼共讀 耆思童想 發掘對「家」的美好期盼

香港經濟日報︰長幼共讀 耆思童想 發掘對「家」的美好期盼

繪本面相千變萬化,帶着教育、文學及記憶等性質,是智慧的結晶。藉由閱讀繪本,有助擴增生活與生命的視野。小小讀物豈只是孩子的恩物,更是一家大細、老幼皆宜的寶藏。 「家」可以是實際的居所,也是心之所在,情感聚集地,是珍重的東西或者那些美好人事物的回憶。家更可能是一個社區的概念,在每個人的生活中都扮演着重要的角色。以下介紹3本繪本,不妨鼓勵長幼共讀,透過過去回憶與未來想像,耆思童想,以不同角度切入,從而發掘當中關於家的美好期盼,遇見你我心中的家。