


I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

HKET: Respect Difference; Appreciate Yourself and Others (Chinese Only)

HKET: Respect Difference; Appreciate Yourself and Others (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

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