Diana Boyd Wilson Centre
Subvented by Social Welfare Department, Diana Boyd Wilson Centre was founded in 1985 and served the local community in Wong Tai Sin District. We provide services matching the needs of Wong Tai Sin district, promote harmony in the community. We also provide comprehensive service including after school care, counselling service, etc. to our members, including children, teenagers, and their families, enable them to have a joyful life and holistic development.
Operation cost of Diana Boyd Wilson Centre is funded by Social Welfare Department
Service Mission
Service User: Aged 6 to 14 children, youth and their parents in Wong Tai Sin district
Holistic Development
To help children attain well-balanced moral, academic, physical, social, and aesthetic development
Parents Support
To offer mothers and fathers support and information that will empower them to fulfill their parenting roles
Civil Education
To encourage children and their families concern about the community
Library & Game Service
To promote reading by organising reading activities regularly
Member Registration
Centre Updates
香港經濟日報︰勿以善小而不為 親子共情 多理解也是善行
善良是一種選擇,若你選擇善良、行善,我們可以從日常中實踐。別小看一小個舉動,你的一份理解,是善;也不要吝嗇你真誠的欣賞,即使是小小的行動,也可產生漣漪效應,為人帶來深遠的影響。香港經濟日報︰情緒管理繪本 提升孩子社交技巧
暑假來臨,正是讓小朋友參與各種活動,舒展身心的好時機。透過故事活動,兒童可逐漸掌握與人相處和待人接物等社交技巧 […]親子頭條【親子共讀】安徒生會透過漂書教導小朋友學習分享 多鼓勵從而突破自我
深受家長與小朋友歡迎的「小小漂書號」將於5月25至28日舉行的第三屆「兒童書展」再度回歸!兒童書展致力推動漂書 […]
Diana Boyd Wilson Centre, Lamma Island Centre, Tai O Centre, Media Report, Story Hub, Storyland, Chuk Yuen Centre