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I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

2021年4月23日 【新聞稿】「『點解』是一個很有份量的字。它賜給我們知識,知識可以運用在每天的生活當中。一分耕耘一分收穫,要努力付出才可以得到你在生活中想要的東西,沒有捷徑;如果失敗了,要站起來再嘗試。」                           ——居於大澳的小五生艾莉珊閱讀繪本“Why”的讀後感  ““Why” is a powerful word. It will give you a lot of knowledge and you can use the information in your...

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