
香港經濟日報︰家長當老師 運用繪本上語文課 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰家長當老師 運用繪本上語文課 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰童話理財寶庫計劃 讓孩子建立正確理財觀念 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰童話理財寶庫計劃 讓孩子建立正確理財觀念 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰世界兒童日給孩子的莊嚴承諾 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰世界兒童日給孩子的莊嚴承諾 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰親子遊大澳 認識責任旅遊 (Chinese Only)

香港經濟日報︰親子遊大澳 認識責任旅遊 (Chinese Only)

夜遊童話市集 從小學習金錢的意義 (Chinese Only)

夜遊童話市集 從小學習金錢的意義 (Chinese Only)

Lily Poon demonstrated storytelling and encouraged elders to be storytellers (Chinese Only)

Lily Poon demonstrated storytelling and encouraged elders to be storytellers (Chinese Only)

Headline Daily: HAC Launched Golden Age Storytelling Volunteer Training Programme to connect elderly and children (Chinese Only)

Headline Daily: HAC Launched Golden Age Storytelling Volunteer Training Programme to connect elderly and children (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers  (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

HKET: Respect Difference; Appreciate Yourself and Others (Chinese Only)

HKET: Respect Difference; Appreciate Yourself and Others (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

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