
Financial Smarty

  • Starting Date: June 2021
  • Service User: Children aged 4-8
  • Expected beneficiaries: 3,885 children & 1,800 parents
  • Supported by: HKEX Foundation
  • Allocated and Monitored by: The Community Chest of Hong Kong


Project Mission

Hong Kong children are materially rich. They do not seem to have a clear concept of money. With our mission of building children through storytelling, we’re glad to roll out the Financial Smarty project that aims to provide basic financial management knowledge through stories to pre-school and elementary school children. Introducing them to wealth management at an early stage in a fun environment could help children better grasp the idea and understand the importance of making good use of their wealth, for life.


Project Details

Provide financial management education to 3,885 children through storytelling and experiential learning. Help children to build up good spending habit, learning self-discipline and to share excessive materials. Financial talk and educational tips will be given to 1,800 parents/teachers, with kids-friendly online tutorial video and resources kits. A signature picture book about financial literacy will be published.

We will provide FREE workshops and seminars for schools. If you are the representative of your school and is interested in our programme, please register below and we will send you the enrollment form later.

Registration Form

Kindergartens :https://bit.ly/HACKG2023

Primary Schools:https://bit.ly/HAC-PRI2023

Note: Completion of the above registration does not mean that you are enrolled successfully. Official enrollment session will start in August 2023, please refer to our latest email.



Download Worksheet



Supported by:

Allocated and Monitored by:
