be positive and find passion.
and Unite Families.
The Next Generation Need your Support
Please Collaborate with us, Cultivate Children, Unite Families.
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香港經濟日報︰隔代舐犢情深 面對無常才會珍惜
香港經濟日報︰善用繪本 邊讀邊玩 奠定孩子英語學習興趣
香港經濟日報︰融義旅情發揚義工精神 為南丫島建立互助社區
大公文匯︰我的家在香港|南丫島印籍義工熱心為長者理髮 回饋無界鄰里情
香港經濟日報︰重新認識家長職責 多角度思考 親職教育
明報︰情緒管理:學憤怒管理 培養同理心 讀繪本改善情緒 不做小霸王
也許繪本在一些人眼中的詮釋,就是「給小朋友消閒看的圖畫書」,但其實繪本種類繁多,內容亦十分廣泛,透過閱讀合適的故事,甚至可以幫助孩子解決社交、心理、親子關係等問題。由安徒生會推出的「 悅讀新視野」計劃,便是透過到校主理繪本工作坊,讓學生從中學習管理情緒及表達自己等竅門,藉此提高社交技巧。
黃巴士︰安徒生會推薦十本環保主題繪本 親子齊齊愛閱讀愛地球
香港經濟日報︰以書作伴 跌碰中前行
Witness the spirit of Lion Rock
Serving Childen and Family in HK for 60 years
Established in 1963, Hans Andersen Club has been serving the underprivileged children and families in Hong Kong. The Club aims to promote reading culture and foster parent-child relation via storytelling. We provide resources for children to enjoy holistic development and adapt to intellectual based society. In the past three years,
Books donation
Volunteers Service hrs
Work Together, Keep Abreast of the Times
Service Direction
Storytelling for Social Impact
Reading broadens children's horizon. Story provides room for imagination and creativity.
Cultivate Positive Mindset
Different experience stimulates children's thinking and arouses curiosity. Enthusiasm favours positive thinking.
Embrace Social Inclusion
Everyone has merit regardless of background. We encourage children to serve elders, learn from helping others.
How could Story prevent School Bullying?
Starting from2015, Hans Andersen Club collaborates with the City University of Hong Kong launching the "Read to Change" project, which provides school-based storytelling social groups, with the use of Social Information Process (SIP) and storytelling, aiming to promote children's pro-social behaviours, childhood aggression and conflict management.
Let us bring real fairy tale to the new generation!
With every HKD120, a child can enjoy a paired reading service!
With you sponsorship, children will have a different childhood!
Show your talent, experience the power of story with children!
We are looking for passionate staff joining our HAC family!
I never know I will be so happy to visit elders and play games with them.
Zoe Fan
I learned the skills to choose books for children, and my storytelling technique was enhanced. I have more common language with my daughter , we both enjoy the paired-reading time now. Thanks HAC and tutors!
Mrs Fung
Storytelling Training Workshop Participant
Young-old volunteers presented the story vividly and attractively. We will keep supporting the intergenerational harmony project.
Ms Leung
Kindergarten Teacher
Enrich and fun! The tutor is professional, and the demonstration is vivid. We became more interested in reading books with children and gained confidence to cultivate children's reading interest.
Mr Siu
Storytelling Training Workshop Participant