Long Term Partners



NWS Holding has collaborated with us since 2004. Their mature volunteers matched up with our children to provide paired-reading service and mentoring programme "Fairy Volunteer Team", aiming to develop children's reading interest and have a different life. Accentuating a common belief in "knowledge changes destiny", HAC and NWS Holding Limited combined forces and launches a Fairy Kiddo project in 2004. Through a series of reading, writing and stimulating activities, the project aimed at fostering a reading habit in underprivileged children, honing creativity, enhancing language ability and knowledge, and ultimately boosting self-confidence. The project won the "Outstanding partnership Project Award" granted by Hong Kong Council of Social Service for two consecutive years.


Societe Generale has been our long-term partner since 2009. We collaborate to hold large scale activities every year, and our outstanding project “Little Links, Unlimited Dreams” in 2011 even honored theCertificate of Merit – Outstanding Partnership Project Award 2010/11 presented by Hong Kong Council of Social Service..


法律是甚麼?對孩子而言,法律看似深奧,但又息息相關。得近律師行的律師自2014年開始與本會合作活動「法律小先鋒」,以話劇故事的方式,簡單易明地向孩子講解法律的重要性。在2015年,活動更喜獲The Asian Lawyer Asia Legal Awards 頒發獎項(Citizenship Award),表揚律師行積極履行社會企業責任; 2016年又喜獲社會福利署義工服務督導委員會,頒獎「2014-16最佳企業義工計劃比賽」亞軍殊榮。



