Centre opening arrangement (Updated on 19 Apr)


According to the latest social distancing policy announced by the HK government, starting from 19 Apr, all HAC centres will have the following arrangements.

All service centres will reopen to the public and resume the “mixing mode of physical and virtual service”. We will keep serving children and families in need through face-to-face lessons, online media, smartphone applications and/ or telephone. Books borrowing and return service at Storyland will resume on 25 Apr, while all other physical services including group activities, interest classes, Scout activities, outdoor and storytelling programmes, etc. will resume on 3 May. Story Hub will remain closed untill to be further notice.

If service users (children, parents, or guardians) decide to attend our service physically, please pay attention to and follow the hygienic instructions and guidelines given by the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health. HAC will follow the captioned guidelines, provide personal protective equipment to staff and establish preventive measures against infectious diseases. For instance, we will maintain the hygiene and sanitation of all our service units, keep social distance, require all visitors to register by using the phone application “LeaveHomeSafe” or leave their personal information (i.e. name, contact number, date and time of visiting), etc.

If you have any enquires, please contact our staff at:

Storyland & Story Hub: 2338 8347

Chuk Yuen Centre: 2329 8056

Diana Boyd Wilson Centre: 2338 6820

Lamma Island Centre: 2982 2173

Tai O Centre: 2985 4200
